Thursday, July 19, 2007

Jano our Musselman-o!

Geneva, NY, July 15
Posted by Janet
Musselman 1.2 swim, 56 bike 13.1 run

Thank you girls for the congrats on my Musselman 1/2 iron. It actually was not as bad as I thought it would be! I highly recommend it - you girls could survive the mini-mussel 500 yd. swim, 15 bike 3.1 run) easy, even swim was mostly shallow and only 500 yards my husband Hans did his first tri and he is not a good swimmer. He did say it was a bit scary there were 1/2 foot waves (they have a novice wave start which is nice) Geneva is a great place and Lakeland Park ideal to hang out.

Saturday was the mini-mussel and it was fun to observe as a non-participant. Transition area is very entertaining and is
always fun to see people and how they transition from swim to bike and bike to run. There were even two 14 year old girls doing it with incredible times that would whop my butt. Every year the entrants get younger and younger and there are more of them. There was also a professional Olympic distant triathlon (0.9 swim, 26 bike 6 run) in afternoon that alone was worth the trip to watch. They are alowd to draft and in a crit like loop (8 miles) so you can watch the excitment. The transitions are FAST and put me to shame! These guys just hop out of water run to the bike shoes already in clips and off they go. There was 20,000 in prize $$ and qualifier for bejing olympics. This all took place right outside the Ramada where we were staying.

My tri start was following morning at 7am and there was concern of thunderstorms and talk of canceling swim and doing running course twice! I did not train for marathon. Luck held out and my start (first wave was old ladies and men!) with 4 minutes intervals for next 4 waves.

Two laps of a .64 mile triangle with 6 bouys (please don't let me get lost) for a 1.2 mile swim. Wetsuits aloud and boy there were rolling waves and lots of swallowed water and a few people holding on to Kayaks which were safe guarding course-these guys were great. Sun in eyes on turn-around and I saw some green caps passing me I was pink (the really good guys) I made it out in 46:00ish minutes, transition OK (yes, Kate, I did my cowboy hop onto my steed (sp?) beautifully to a gasping crowd....) course beautiful.

The thing about being in first wave you have a wee bit advantage if you are good swimmer so not many bikes left transition yet but boy did hundreds catch up and pass me the next 1/2 hour....nasty headwind last 15 miles and people were moaning *&^&*(^% FINALLY off bike onto run I got to wee, quick portabottie. Oh yes, I did not pee on the bike like a girl in front of me... "shit! that is not water but pee spraying!"

Janet waving to adoring fans.

Run was beautiful also and got mike running legs after 3 miles. Run my worse event but did OK lots of great volunteers and stops and finished with a respectable 6:50 time. there were about 600 in this event.

Lars had the best event and MOST entertaining to watch a total of 100 kids in 2 starts age 6-10 and 11-14. 6-10 year olds(25 yd shum, 2 mile bike .25 run) These kids had most fun, and there nerves disappeared once they ran around swim bouys (it is called a sh-wum instead of swim cause its very shallow) Lars age 9 was 2nd out of water and slow on transition those darn wet onto bike back second but he tossed bike oops! Off on run, forgot to take helmet off but tossed that a bit later and finished second The kids get to go through the actual finish shoot. He was very excited as I since he has some foot issues. Great shwag for kids, everyone wins and gets a real nice medal.

These 1300-plus tri-athletes are so darn nice and always giving tips, advice to anyone who will listen, much fun!

Tinman (lady)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Random Pics from Owasco Stage Race

Monday, July 16, 2007

Celebrity Sightings at Owasco Stage Race

June 14 & 15, 2007

Not only did we have visiting CA Bella, Liz Beneshin, we also had Pro Ana Milkowski riding (and winning the entire thing) in a Bella kit. But the best is depicted below...Kerry Litka, Team Terry and her Gal Pal Geraldine (who has been on the hands of many a famous bike racing personality - Mario Cippolini, Greg Lemonde, etc.)

The NY Bellas' mascot, Flat Eric...who now maybe has a girlfriend?

Owasco Discombogolated Better Late than Never Stage Race - July 14 & 15

Report from LiLynn:
Just like the name of the race sounds, thats basically how it went for
anyone who entered.

The icing on the cake was the Auburn newspaper TT
results with our own Bella Sue Atwood averaging close to 60 miles per
hour in her time trial. We had her hidden in a duffle bag in the trunk
of my car a block away so they couldn't do a pee test. We succeeded in
gettting away clean without any testing and she held her first place
position. You know Sue, you could share.

Here she is cracking up at how she blew away the rest of the field...

Our visiting Bella Liz Beneshin from Cal took a more serious approach to the TT and spent about 2 hrs warming up on her trainer
while the NY Bellas were warming up their yapping muscles -very important for time-trialing. After making fun of my clam shell/world war 2 helmet and attaching our aero fluff we 'thought' we had 45 minutes to warm up. Got back with 10 minutes to pee and collect ourselves. NOT. I missed my start. Stuck behind some van with a bike on the back that I couldn't get past, they kept calling out my number (which I didn't even know was my number) to see if I had shown up. Gosh darnet all to heck. Missed my start. Jersey unzipped, gloves in hand, computer not set, they told me to just go. In disbelief, I asked him, "...did you say just go?" and he said, "...just go!" With tail between my legs I stuffed my gloves up my jersey and tried to zip it up while trying to clip in. Someone was taking photos of the woman 'sprinting' out of the start. I looked at him an just said "shit!"

Got it together, but no other women were out there. All by myself... don't wanna be... All by myself, anymore. Sure enough, here comes some pro woman terrorist on a red fast bike, like a whirlwind. That woke me up. I chased her until she was so nano tiny I couldn't see her anymore. Then the turn around. Fun, fun, fun, I got to see all my Bellas. First Sue A rippin it up at just under 60 miles per hour. Then my mate, Kate Stewart, then Sue Kahler, then the well warmed up Liz from Cal. I was passed of course by two more woman but tried to stay close all the way back to the finish. Sue Atwood with her speed of almost 60 mph didn't even see me waiting at the finish as she was passing all the traffic. This is a comfortable pace for her being a semi truck driver. Puts her right in the zone. Ruler of the road. Then came Kate, Sue K and Liz. We were ready to go chill with Flat Eric.

Another 30 minute delay for the crit. NOT. Kate and I are signing in with our street clothes on and the woman says, "you know the women's race is starting on time." Oh shit! Here we go again. Kate and I are running through alleys trying to get to the car to get changed so we can get a little warm up and pee. Although I opted to pee in the alley and a postal woman came walking through with her hands full of mail and I jumped up from behind a truck and she dropped her mail so I had to go
back and help her pick it up. A Bella good deed moment. Kate and I stripped down in the parking lot in down town Auburn. No one was impressed. Then we headed out for our warm up. We were warning women hanging out in cars that the race was on time. yikes.

The open women lined up and Gaetane showed up with hubby to cheer us on and of course our main cheerleader 'Madonna' as always was there belting out the motivational cheers. It was so exciting to be lined up with such awesome women riders. I looked around me and wished I had a camera to take pictures of me lined up to ride a crit with these girls. Not the crit itself. Just the start line. That was my moment of glory. My goal for the whole weekend was to ride with the big girls, (not talking butts) the pros, for as long as I could hold on, 2 minutes... 1 minute... Well I hung on for 2 laps and learned so much. I watched every move they made but the pace was above and beyond any level I could ride for 25 minutes straight. Liz and Kate (my mate) hung in there the entire time. You two rock. The rest of us Bellas were lapped 1 time but hung in there and golly gee, we did not get pulled.

Kate used up all her legs for the weekend hanging with the big girls that night and she is my hero. I got to cheer her on when she lapped me. Thats the fun part of being in the back. Sue A and I got to ride the rest of the crit together and at one part heard some church bells. We almost bagged it and went to church to pray for our slow sorry asses. But we figured we had a duty to hold on to our places in this race and that we did. We motivated each other the entire time and finished strong and together.

The road race started late. REALLY. They even switched the order so the women started even later. It was great. We rolled out very fast, of course, because these girls' easy pace is my race pace and about 1 mile into it made a wrong turn. yup. I went the right way and was in the lead. So I waited for everyone to regroup. Where was the camera dammit! Well we rode down Rockefeller along the lake to the first hill which I wasn't even thinking would be a factor. Forgot who I was riding with. This was their first attempt to drop people and it only dropped the baby cat 4's.

Me and Sue. All by ourselves.... don't wanna be.... All by ourselves, anymore. Sue's optimism was at a 10 at that point. I'm like, sure sue, we can catch them. Thinking she must be in serious oxygen debt. So we started working together and we actually were doing pretty good but not catching them. Finally she said to me, "we're not going to catch them." I said, "no Sue, we've been dumped." So we decided to have a fun day and not blow up but try to stay in the race. It's hard when there's no one around. You just start riding like its a fun ride and forget to race pace. We did a lot of that. Sometimes that makes you more tired than having people around to keep you focused. We finally made it to Moravia and we were getting mixed signals from the marshals but went the correct way. whew. Started up Dresserville and I started feeling good. Before we headed back down to the highway Sue was feeling a little wasted and told me to go ahead. Bad idea because 2 minutes later it started hailing and down pouring and I was a little freaked about riding on the highway. Made it to Murphy hill and it was so wet and greasy that my rear tire was slipping so I had to 'tiptoe' up it. Going at a snail pace made my butt cheeks a perfect target for the horse flies. Between trying not to slip and slapping my ass it was quite a site for sore eyes. Once out of the trees the flies split and I was ready to ride hard again.

Everything was going just fine but then I suddenly started thinking I had been on this road for a long time and didn't really recognize anything. My mind started racing. I started slowing down looking back to see if Sue was coming. Though I should go back to see if she was even on this road. Started sweating. I don't even sweat. Started sweating more. Started thinking I might get shot. (Looked a little like Wellsville, where I grew up, they shoot at any moving target) Then I decided I would
ride forward and pick up a highway and find the course again. I had it all figured out and then I came to a little rise in the road, just over the rise were these stupid little arrows, 3 inches long, the official markers for the course and voilà, I was still in the race. So now I had to get my head back together and pound it out again up the last big hill and then the turn on Baptist. I got to the turn and yelled to the corner marshal to wake up from his nap in his car as I made my turn that I knew about from a previous race. I yelled "Thank you, I got it!" "Don't get up on my account." Now to the finish. I only had the 3 hail mary's is what the catholic girls call those hills, but I'm sorry, I know that's not what you are saying when you get to them girls. Actually there are 4 and my mate Kate and I call them, more appropriately the 4 f@#$%^*. And thats just what they are at that point in the race.

The best part of the day was coming to the finish and having Sue K's Bella Fella orchestrate a cheering squad of about 20 people as I came through. In my mind the pros were way behind me by the sound of the cheering. Sue A came in right behind me so I think we hammered those pros Sue! I never saw them, did you? Sue Kahler, alias "Mighty Mouse" had the ride of her life on her home turf and faired very well in the end. Liz came in a little after and Kate behind her. Sue and I did our important job of picking up the rear as we were the brave cat 4 babies that dared to enter. All in all the Bellas had a topsy, turvy day and we all traded places a little but ended up with big smiles on our faces and celebrated with Flat Eric at the end of the day that we all survived without injuries and just some tired, worn out bodies. But still in awe of Super Sue's TT time.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Utica, NY area Tour de France Prologue Time Trial, July 7

Report from "M like Madonna"

Sue represented the Bellas in Utica last weekend for a Mohawk Valley Celebration of the Opening Prologue Event in the Tour de France.

Sue Atwood is the grrrrreatest!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sunday, July 1, 2007

NY Bella Linda Tersegno wins 2 BRONZE medals at National Senior Games, Louisville, KY

Linda's report of the National Senior Games, Louisville, KY June 23-28, 2007:
I had no idea what to expect in Louisville and feel like I did really well!! I finished 8th out of 23 riders in the 5K TT, 4th through 7th places were close, I was out from the winner by about 35 seconds though. The 10 K time trial I moved up one spot to 7th place. Both earned ribbons anyway. Very nice courses in a closed park.

The road race was really a circuit race course. Very winding, up/downhill (scary!) 2.4 miles loop on a pretty park road. I had never raced this type of course so I stayed near the front due to 4 bad crashes we witnessed in Mike's race. I really had doubts about doing the 40K event at all. But it was fun really! I placed third with a photo sprint finish. The same happened in the 20K road race on the same course, but not with such a close finish. We had lapped riders from another age group and they were at the finish line area with 3 of us and it was too crowded.

It must have been the jersey that helped!!

Final results for Linda:
Bronze in the 20K RR
Bronze in the 40K RR
8th in the 5K Time Trial
7th in the 10K Time Trial
Congrats, Linda!!