Time to come out of hiding
I know what it's like looking in the mirror after a shower and you wished you had your sunglasses on. Those legs are so narly white that you can see the blood pumping through the vessels. ewe. every lump is excentuated with the florescence of the unnatural lighting we have to deal with during these dismal, gloomy months, creating even larger shadows in the hail damage we have to deal with as woman on the backs of our thighs.
Well it's time to start thinking "PINK." Get those orders in for
those sweet jerseys this year cause we're gonna have some fun. I say more fun rides in the early spring to get the blood flowing and the pink happenin' . We have a job to withhold this year. "The most fun team out there!" So lets see some action on the list se rve. I'm starting to think everyone has turned to soap opera's or daytime talk shows. Say it isn't so. I miss my girls! I don't miss my invisible friends. Here's what they look like and they're pretty darn cute: